Mental Illness Is A Part Of My Life…

Sometimes no matter how hard I try to put my anxiety and depression behind me or avoid taking my meds , I learn (and I keep learning) that my mental illnesses are part of my life. I’m not ashamed of it anymore, though I do get frustrated how they interfere in my life. And it’s in that I’m still trying to accept that they will affect all aspects of my life. I mean right now, I am still adjusting to living with my boyfriend and his family after my own family kicked me out. How they live is completely different  in both their demeanor and how they run their household. I also now live in a different city than the one I used to live in (which had so many stores and restaurants in an arms reach. Oh, I miss that so much!). So for me, it’s a culture shock. In fact, it’s why I haven’t been up here so much (in addition to their home renovation and lack of internet access). And I’m sure I am going to face more new experiences along the way, so I don’t know how I am going to cope with that. I have been living in an unhealthy household for so long that well… it too is a part of me. So, living with my boyfriend and his family is kinda like rehabilitation for me…I guess??? Anywho, my mental illness is a part of my life and I have no shame in that.

Mental Illness is part of my life

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