Tag: Deferred Actions for Childhood Arrivals

The Loss of DACA


I have to say, I’m very disappointed at what Congress has done. I feel for the young adults that came here as kids or babies to this country. Yes I get it, they are illegal and they did not come here legally like my parents and many other legal families. However, they too have contributed to society. They are here working hard with their families to help their family survive and make their own dreams come true. I admire anyone with that fire and it’s wrong to kick out someone who wants to do just that. But let’s play devil’s advocate especially among those who see my blog and cry “But wait!”:

  • They came illegally

And??? First it’s not their fault, but it’s not their parent’s fault either. Like any family, you want to give your children the life you never had and a future they achieve.

  • Your parents came legally

Yeah, but it wasn’t easy for them either. My mom too once said that people blamed like her for taking American’s jobs.

  • They took our jobs

No they did not. Major corporations did. They don’t wanna spend money training people. They don’t wanna pay people $20 here for example,  say so assemble a Pocket Pop Key Chain of Castiel of Supernatural (I actually have that with me right now) made in Vietnam, because they can pay workers say, $0.75 . Why? They pay less taxes (they’re overseas) and make more money. In fact according to CNBC, many US companies have made $ 2.5 trillion overseas.   All these big businesses brag about “being” American yet they have outsourced good jobs that could have helped millions of Americans. So might wanna point your fingers at them instead…and the people in congress.

  • They’re Terrorists

Newsflash: You don’t have be an illegal immigrant to be a terrorist. Even if they are, there are bad apples out there! Just because one does harm doesn’t mean all will do harm. I mean you can be native to this country and be a terrorist. Any body remember Timothy McVeigh? James Holmes? Adam Lanza? And those are just to name a few. What happened there (well except McVeigh he was executed)? Don’t see people all white people are bad? Again, good apples and bad apples. Besides, racial profiling, prejudicce is just bad and lazy way (an ignorant one at that) to want identify bad people. Doing that is NOT going to make America safer because of the color of their skin or in this case the status of citizenship. 

  • Trump said he’s going to bring back jobs.


We are nation of immigrants. The only people are native to this country are Native Americans and they got displaced in their own home. And saying displacement is an “unrated word” for the horrors they faced in their own home.  Since the founding of the United States of America and making of the song “This Land is My Land” anyone who got a glimpse of this country or heard of it, envised so many remarkable dreams when they arrived and achieved it because of this country. Whether it you came here legally or illegally. Whether you are the first generation to be in this country or the 10th generation…cause at the end of the day we all want the same thing: to follow and make our dreams to come true. 

As an teacher in training and a former substitute teacher and volunteer, I do fear for the kids although they are all still young I have met over the past few years. All of them so smart, creative, funny and I’d HATE to see them deported or treated as criminals in a country they’ve always called home. I would hate to imagine my students horrors and fear in this country. Although, I have not seem them for a while think about them every day as well as fear for them everyday and their families. I would not like anything bad to happen to them.

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For more information on the companies that have outsourced jobs out of the states, click on the link below:

“Exporting America”

“US companies are hording $2.5 trillion in cash overseas”