Month: September 2016

Think Body Image Isn’t A Big Problem? Think Again. —

Admit it, when you’re at the store and waiting in the line, you look at the magazines while waiting your turn. You look at the beautiful, talented, famous people plastered on the pages and in your mind you start thinking about your body, looks, and how people see you and most importantly how you see […]

via Think Body Image Isn’t A Big Problem? Think Again. —

Mental Health Treatment Depicted in a Amusement Park

So, today I woke up normal as usual and was reading my feed on Twitter when I kept seeing the hashtag #NoToKnottsBerry, so I clicked on it and I was completely appalled at what I was seeing. Knotts Berry is a popular amusement park in California, but they have been in the news because of […]

via Dear Knotts Berry Farm, Being Admitted Into A Psychiatry Ward Is Not A Thrill Ride. —