Month: June 2016

Where to Get Help

Since I was a child, I have always suspected that I had a mental illness, but I didn’t know where to begin or who to turn to.  The first time I started seeking treatment (I wanna say I was about 19 or 20), I sought to use my doctor but they gave me only medicine–one that only made me more tired and me lethargic. Not helpful, especially when working in a fast paced environment.

So years later (especially when ObamaCare set in), I ended up calling my insurance company (mine had nurses or psychiatrist on the line) to see if they could find local hospitals/clinics that had an outpatient mental health treatment center. After much trial and error, I found one through one local school that had its own outpatient clinic. Then that psychiatrist did not only give me the correct diagnosis and medication, she referred me to another college that offered therapy for behavioral disorders, but that was free to low cost. Whew!

Are you or someone you know and  love having a hard time knowing where to begin to seek mental health treatment too?The infograph below created by Mental Health America, helps give you an idea where to begin and the resources in your local neighborhood you can turn to when seeking mental health treatment.

Need resources on where to find free-to-low cost mental health treatment centers in your neck of the woods? Click on the clinic below:

Finding Therapy

The Behaivoral Health of the Residents of the Hundred Acre Wood


I remember in my senior year of high school on my way to AP Government class, a classmate of mine mentioned how the characteristics of Winnie-the-Pooh were based on the symptoms  of mental health disorders. I was shocked that a childhood classic may have been indirectly depicting symptoms of mental illnesses! But I was a little skeptical about this information–Did A.A. Milne really base these well known characters on the symptoms of mental illness? Well…no.

In actuality the story was lightly based on his son, Christopher Robin Milne. Does the name sound familar? If not, well the character Robin was named after his named after.

Winnie-the-Pooh was based off his son’s teddy bear. “Winnie” was named after a brown bear (although the teddy bear’s real name was Growler)  Milne and his son use to visit at the London Zoo. “Pooh” was a name his son use to name a swan. Piglet, Tigger, Eeyore, Kanga were based off the stuffed toys Christopher Milne played with; Rabbit and Owl were made up by Milne and his illustrator, E.H. Shepard.

Hmm…so it seems there’s no mention on how mental illness inspired the characteristics of the well-reknown characters. So how did this speculation come about?

Okay so back in 2000, four Canadian researchers by the names of Shea, Gordon, Hawkins, Kawchuk, and Smith have discovered similar traits of some mental health disorders seem to match the personalities of the Winnie-the-Pooh characters. Here are a few of them:

Eeyore Mental Health



Pooh Mental Health

When I was putting these slides together, I really saw how similar this their characteristics were to some of the symptoms of behavioral disorders! I have to say it’s pretty remarkable and it’s also remarkable how these four researchers had time to put the information together!

There are also clinical disorders for Rabbit, Owl, and Christopher Robin, but just putting these four slides together! Well, if you want more information on the character’s diagnosis and on the research itself, click on the link below:

Pathology in the Hundred Acre Wood: A Neurodevelopmental  Perspective on A.A.Milne