Month: October 2019

Mental Illness Awareness Week

If you are like me (busy as a bee), you probably JUST realized it’s Mental Illness Awareness Week. It started on Sunday 6th and will end on the 12th of this Saturday. And well today is World Mental Health Day. The latter was started by the World Federation for Mental Health In 1992. Observed by more than 150 countries, every year on the 10th of October supporters across the globe bring awareness to mental illness and its effects on people’s everyday life. Then you have Mental Health Awareness Week which made its debut in 1990 by US Congress in partnership with National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). But people…bloggers like myself try to bring up mental health everyday of the year to help raise awareness of mental health while reducing the stigma towards it. Whether it’s an online article or a piece of my bouts with mental illness the purpose is reduce stigma and to help viewers realize they are not alone. That while you live and struggle with mental illness, that does not mean it defines you. Or that there is no shame or weakness in seeing a mental health provider. You are doing your best to return power to you and not your mental illness.

So there you have it…little tidbits about both awareness day/week. Considering my CRAZY schedule (working two jobs, working nearly 40 hrs a week. It’s not much, but it’s better than nothing), I will do my best to keep up with what’s left of at LEAST of Mental Illness Awareness Week. If I can’t, just keep this in mind…EVERY WEEK is Mental Illness Awareness Week.

Taraji P. Henson Says Her Life’s Calling Is To Aid Black Children Struggling With Their Mental Health | BET

Plus, Big Sean and other stars talk about the importance of therapy and mental health.
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California Introduces 1st Toll-Free Statewide Mental Health Line Ahead of World Mental Health Day | KTLA

California on Monday launched its first statewide mental health line to help those struggling with mental and emotional well-being, officials announced. The free service offers non-emergency emotional support and referrals to anyone who calls or messages the number 1-855-845-7415.
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