Month: January 2017

Health Observation Dates

Wow…can you believe it? January is over…already! Yet, sooo much has happened since Trump has taken office. I have been MIA here, cuz I have been protesting via social media. Hey…the pen is mightier the sword. In this case now days, so is the social media. We have to fight for rights for health care and for respect.

Before this whole…mess we are seeing now (within the few weeks of the new year)…we have always had health observations to bring awareness to ailments our families, neighborhoods…our society are facing everyday. That just because a few individuals experience an ailment (s) whether it may physical, emotional or mental,  it doesn’t mean their ailment isn’t real or it isn’t important or demonstrate weakness. It’s for these reasons that health observation months and dates exist in order to bring attention ailment and there should be programs, funding and treatment.

So, be on the look out for these dates:


Blame It On Your Brain

Mental Illness is not your fault, but rather due to the chemical imbalance in your brain. If you know that already, I’m gonna remind you that again—it’s not your fault. For, example, the lack of Gamma-Amino Butyric Acid or GABA causes anxiety and depression. And large amounts of adrenaline increases anxiety and anxiety disorders. The infographic below from goes over neuroscience of the brain and how it affects the entire body