Tag: Books

Dr. Travis Langley: Creator of the Psychgeek Books Series

Dr. Travis Langley: Creator of the Psychgeek Books Series

I’m SOOO excited! I got to be featured on a website! This was due because I wrote a little post about one of the books I’ve read: “Batman and Psychology”. (see “Psychgeek Books Series” post). My comment was featured on Dr. Travis Langley’s page, as shown below:

So who IS Dr. Travis Langley? Dr. Travis Langley is the editor and lead writer for the Popular Culture Psychology series from Sterling Publishing.

Since the release of his first acclaimed book, “Batman & Psychology: A Dark & Story Night”, he has launched a number of books that have used the world of pop culture to shed light and insight in the world of psychology. Now, he is the editor of the book series, where he along with other psychologists and other professionals of mental/behavioral health put their expertise in the various books (as well as their love of pop culture):

  • The Walking Dead Psychology: Psych of the Living Dead
  • Star Wars Psychology: Dark Side of the Mind
  • Captain America vs. Iron Man: Freedom, Security, Psychology
  • Game of Thrones Psychology: The Mind is Dark and Full of Terrors
  • Doctor Who Psychology: A Madman with a Box
  • Star Trek Psychology: The Mental Frontier
  • Supernatural Psychology: Roads Less Traveled
  • Wonder Woman Psychology: Lassoing the Truth
  • Supernatural Psychology: Roads Less Traveled

And as of recently, “Daredevil Psychology: The Devil You Know” and  “Westworld Psychology: Violent Delights”.

Dr. Langley received his B.A. in psychology from Hendrix College and his MS and Ph.D in psychology from Tulane University. In addition to being editor of the distinguished book series he teaches on crime, social behavior, mental illness and media.

If you would like to know more about Dr. Langley, click on the following webpages below:

Dr. Travis Langley (Facebook)

Popular Culture Psychology Series- PsychGeek (Facebook)

Travis Langley

Travis Langley (Amazon)


and buy his books too anywhere books are sold


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17 Children’s Books For Anxious Kids | HuffPost Life

These titles educate kids and teach them how to manage their emotions.
— Read on www.huffpost.com/entry/childrens-books-anxiety_l_5c6976dde4b05c889d202022

Therapy Quest


“Choose Your Own Adventure” games are pretty new to me, especially when they are in the form of a book! And what a more cleaver way to combine RPG game style with mental health therapy! Dr. Janina Scarlet author of “Superhero Therapy” and “Harry Potter Therapy” writes “Therapy Quest: An Interactive Quest Through Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.” You’re spirited away to the magical land of “Here” and befriend the inhabitants of there and go on a quest to defeat the sorceress, Malena from destroying the world. With some spells, potions and a little help from your friends you go on the quest to stop her, but it up to you the hero to restore “Here” from Malena’s grasp.

I had a ton of fun with this book! There was always a suspense while reading because whatever decision I made, determined the outcome of the outlook of the quest. However inspite of the decision I made throughout the book, I’d be given ways to increase already existing good quality or trait or I’d be given ways to identify and better  handling of a negative quality. Each time you make a good decision, you recieved points. However if you made a poor decision you were deducted points. In the beginning of the book you are given 50 points start off with and the points are divided into three categories:

Courage   Inner Strength      Wisdom

The rules are simple…you gain more points you go on and gain more spells and potions. Lose points and you have start all over again. I’ve only done that once in the book at you see below:

Whenever you make a good decision you turn to a page where you learn a new spell or potion. These are in the forms of skills from ACT (Acceptence and Commitment Therapy)  which has been shown through research to help people overcome depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), chronic pain, addiction disorders and many other common problems. Here’s a short excerpt on the vulnerability spell:

One of the most magical, though the hardest, spells is the Vulnerability Spell. Vulernability is the willingness to be authentic with yourself and others. The Vulnerability Spell might feel bittersweet because you are opening yourself to other. Take the chance with a possibility that you might get hurt. For example, telling someone that you love is a vulnerable action. It involves taking a chance, risking rejection and hurt, because the possibility of love and connection is THAT important. Although poeple who drink the vulnerablility spell are more likely to get hurt compared to people who are unwilling to share themselves with others, they might experience more love and happiness.

She has awesome advice that you too can use in your own everyday adventures in your own life. In addition to skills you acquire in the book, you also develop connection with the characters throughout the quest and even they embody the everyday struggles that people go through such as an eating disorder and the loss of a loved one as well as learning to accept people physical appeariences, sexual orientation, and ethnicity. So it was kinda hard to leave the world of “Here” once I finished reading “Therapy Quest” , but I have to say I kinda grew there too.

“Therapy Quest” is now available now in the U.S. at your favorite bookshop.

About the Author:

Janina Scarlet, Ph.D. is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, a scientist, and a full-time geek. A Ukrainian-born refugee, she survived Chernobyl radiation and persecution. She immigrated to the United States at the age of 12 with her family and later, inspired by the X-Men, developed Superhero Therapy to help patients with anxiety, depression, and PTSD. She has written multiple publications on this topic and has given talks domestically and internationally. She authored Superhero TherapyHarry Potter TherapyTherapy Quest, and has contributed to a number of pop culture psychology books, such as Star Wars PsychologyWonder Woman PsychologyGame of Thrones Psychology, and many others. Scarlet currently works as a clinical psychologist at the Center for Stress and Anxiety Management in San Diego, CA.


Books.(2018) Superhero Therapy. Retrieved from: http://www.superhero-therapy.com/2017/12/therapy-quest/

For information on Dr. Janina Scarlet find her at her website at Superhero Therapy.

You can also find her on Twitter under the name @Shadow Quill and on Superhero Therapy Facebook Page.

I also wrote some posts about her and her podcast also named “Superhero Therapy” as shown below:


Superhero Therapy: Harry Potter

Superhero Therapy: Jessica Jones

Superhero Theapy: Supernatural


Harry Potter Therapy

                        It includes a link where you can download as a PDF, on your kindle or on any ebook.

Happy (Belated) National Book Lovers Day!😆😆😆

I know it’s late to say this, because this day was on Thursday 9th (but I had a LOT of things going on), but because reading is one of my favorite pasttimes… Happy belated national book lovers day! I have never traveled the world and I never had a lot of friends growing up, but I read a LOT of books! Fiction, non-fiction, comic books…Books in general helped me see the world and people in many ways than I could ever have without them. I liked seeing how  I got to travel to distance places or other parallel universes. Or I could travel back in time and get better acquainted with notable figures like, Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela. Books helped me also introduced to social issues that people around the world such as prostitution, rape, maternal morality, and lack of access to education as found in the book, “Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women World” by Nicholas Krisof and Sheryl Wudunn. I suggest you read the book by the way. It’s a great read. Reading pretty much keeps me being a well rounded person. I learn how better express myself through reading, I learn how to construct my thoughts, sentences… Reading has just always helped me to know you can never stop learning and that it’s not only restricted to a classroom.

So National Book Lovers Day…what is it exactly? Well noone knows exactly when it started or who started, but all that its known for helping bibliophile’s like myself (a person  who has a great appreciation for a collecting books). It reminds current and incoming readers to find a book they like and read it in your favorite place. Regardless of the format of the book, whether its an e-book or through book pages, go on and have a good read!

In an online article written by Sarah DiGiulio titled, “Why ‘getting lost in a book’ is so good for you, according to science” she provide 5 reasons as to why reading is so essential for mental health:

  • Stories about other people teach us to be the types of people we want to be
  • Reading helps provide that sense of belonging that all humans need
  • It bolsters all sorts of social skills
  • Reading is good for our brains and may even help us live longer
  • Getting lost in a good book provides the good kind of escape

Let me go over some of the examples to help explain why reading is good for your noggin:

  • Stories about other people teach us to be the types of people we want to be

Reading provides us with the various experience and different personalities we’d probably never come across in this lifetime. It can also help readers to be more adaptable to others. In a study done in 2009 by Keith Oatley, PhD a professor emeritus in the department of applied psychology and human development at University of Toronto and his colleagues found “that after reading one of two different versions of the same story–one an original piece of fiction and the other a retelling of the same story written in a non-fiction–participants who read fiction changed in their personality traits more than those who read the non-fictions version of the story, and reported feeling higher level of emotions.

“It is very important in the social world to understand others,” says Dr. Oatley. “to understand ourselves, and not just get stuck.”

  • Reading is good for our brains and may even help us live longer

No joke. It really is. Past neuroscience research have shown how reading aides in other cognitive skills by starting up the neural networks in the brain to improve our social cognition and conceptual processing of abstract content.”

“Reading,” says Avni Bavishi, an MD candidate at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University. “By engaging the brain, it may keep the brain active enough to prevent cognitive decline that is associated with earlier mortality.”

Examples of cognitive decline (Cognitive, 2013), especially in late age include:

-Loses in verbal memory

-Slower inductive reasoning/slower problem solving

-Few changes in verbal ability

Makes you wanna read more… or even begin to start reading if you haven’t done so already.

  • Getting lost in a good book provides the good kind of escape

It’s a good break from all the worries and thoughts running across your mind. Much like any sort of media like movies and video games it won’t take your problem away, but at least you’ll have a refreshed mind to face them.

Regardless of the facts displayed by science it kinda doesn’t take a genius to realize just how awesome reading. And look you don’t have to read books like “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” or “The Count of Monte Cristo” to be a “sophisticated” person. Although if you like those books fine, but there are dozens of  other genres for you to read out there that is a good fit for you (comic books count too)And even within that there books that have series or books based on your favorite movies or visa versa. There’s something for everyone.


Cognitive Changes With Aging. (2013) Retrieved from: http://sphweb.bumc.bu.edu/otlt/MPH-Modules/PH/Aging/mobile_pages/Aging5.html

DiGiulio, S. (2018) Why “getting lost in a book” is so good for you according to science. Retrieved from https://www.nbcnews.com/better/pop-culture/why-getting-lost-book-so-good-you-according-science-ncna893256?cid=sm_npd_nn_fb_ma


Image result for AnaCon

This event, AnaCon, happened in February and while I’ve been been meaning to talk about it, I’ve been busy catching up with homework and lesson and all. Attending cons are another form of mindfulness (for me) ! Whenever, I go to cons I like to share the one’s I’ve attended. Though I don’t think I shared last year’s Wonder Con….Hmm…Well…maybe next time.

AnaCon, hosted at the Central Anaheim Public Library, came again for its second year, celebrating its local sci-fi/fantasy authors and comic artists. And of course, no comic and sci-fi conventions would be complete without cosplayers. The 501st Squadron of Orange County was there!

It was fun seeing families and individuals have fun at the event engaging in the activities and cosplayers. Kids taking pictures with R2-D2. I mean, it’s not like it’s the ACTUAL R2-D2 that is used in the movie and you easily find the person controlling it, but just seeing A R2-D2 robot in person is SOOOO cool and magical, you forget all of that, especially when the kids are so excited.

So, the event had a cosplay contest, Sci-fi Storytime with readings, and three panel discussions: “Writing the Future in the Dystopian Present”, “Speculative Fiction Reflecting a Diverse Society” and “The Comic Biz. I attended the “Dystopian Present” and “Diverse Society” panel. The first panel I attended was moderated by Jennifer Brody, CB Lee, Elizabeth Briggs, Lilliam Rivera, Romina Garber, and Stephanie Diaz.

Me with Liliam Rivera (left) and Romina Garber (right)

The second one was on “Speculative Fiction Reflecting a Diverse Society” with Jennifer Bordy, Cb Lee, Jules Rivera, Elana Azose, Gemma Vidal, and Jeff Sweat.

Me, Gem (middle), and Jules Rivera (right)

Me and Jeff Sweat

Me, Jennifer Brody (middle) and Gem (right)

This was my first time attending this event and it was very entertaining! I was fortunate to meet and keep in touch with some the authors…I mean…golly! I’d never think I’d actually think I could befriend an author. Anyway, it was a nice event and if you love books, sci-fi, and comic books, check it out next year. It’s a fun filled event that is free to all people, that I’m sure you, your family and friends will enjoy.

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For Books on the Authors I’ve met:

Jennifer Brody

C.B. Lee

Jules Rivera

Lilliam Rivera

Romina Russell

Jeff Sweat

For the list of the other authors not seen with me in the pictures:

Elana Azose

Stephanie Diaz

Sally J. Pla

Also check out these guys out too (Gem is one you saw me with; Book Bloggers):

Gem In The Rough

What A Nerd Girl Says

If you like to purchase these books, please purchase them via this link. Proceeds go to this website.

Mental Health On Books (Update)

Unfortunately, I found my amazon link on mental health books on the left border side of my blog has not been working, so I replaced it with my link to Barnes and Nobel. In the future, I’m hoping to update my blog and add for instance, videos on mental health and through your purchase(s) with the links on the following books it can be a possibility! So without further ado, here are books I recommend for you to read.  These books are fun, entertaining, but most importantly educational:

A First-Rate Madness: Uncovering the Links between Leadership and Mental Illness

Anxious in Love: How to Manage Your Anxiety, Reduce Conflict, and Reconnect with Your Partner

Batman and Psychology: A Dark and Stormy Knight

Family Don't End with Blood: Cast and Fans on How Supernatural Has Changed Lives

Harry Potter Therapy: An Unauthorized Self-Help Book from the Restricted Section

It's Not Your Journey

Superhero Therapy: Mindfulness Skills to Help Teens and Young Adults Deal with Anxiety, Depression, and Trauma

Supernatural Psychology: Roads Less Traveled

Mental Health in Books

Welp even though summer is over, reading is always IN! I may have repeated some of these books in the past, but here are direct links (I kinda work for Amazon.com) to these books and more so you can buy and better understand mental health.