Harry Potter Therapy

Like Harry Potter? Dealing with emotional issues? Would you LIKE to better understand mental/emotional health (topics both either overunderestimately or underestimately understood)Why not have both? “Harry Potter Therapy: An Unauthorized Self-Help Book from the Restricted Section” by Dr. Janina Scarlet delves not into the World of Harry Potter, but uses the characters and scenarios from the series to not only entertain but to help you learn how better manage your mental/emotional health. I have read her first book, “Superhero Therapy” and being someone who is familiar with such topics of mental health, she is really good at using the essence of superhero characters and villains to depict mental and emotional health concerns and issues. So, if you’d like to check out her work, especially on how she uses the world of Harry Potter to better conceptualize mental/emotional health, click the link below and you can download her book for free! Yes! I said it free. How do I know? ‘cause I also listen to her “Superhero Therapy” segment on the “Assembly of the Geeks” podcast. Which is also really good! So give it a chance I think you might like it, ESPECIALLY if you’re into Harry Potter like me!

Below is the link for the website and the download. You can download as a PDF, on your kindle or on any ebook.

Harry Potter Therapy

If you like to purchase this book, please it via this link. Proceeds go to this website.

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